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Broken Wings

These words came to me this morning as I thought about my son and the struggles he’s been going through for the past year. He travels the world to rescue children from sex-trafficking. He trains insanely hard to stay in shape, to be strong, to be ready for the next call. But, for personal reasons, he no longer works for the organization that sent him on endless missions to train the police in different countries, to teach them how to better rescue children, as well as him personally breaking in and rescuing a child. Many times, however, it was too late. For a year, he has been healing, praying, and longing to rescue as many children as he can. Pay or no pay, he is driven to rescue children from Satan’s den of sadistic torture, hopelessness, and despair. So, my son is waiting, healing, and longing with all his heart to spread his wings, and fly again.

There is pain in his eyes
His soul is restless
He longs to fly
But his wings are broken
How long he cries
Do I have to wait
Before you speak
Before you open the door
Heal my wings
And let me fly again
To rescue one more child
To tell her about you
How you can heal her wounds
Her mind
Her shattered soul
The wait is long and painful
Where are you
Don’t you need me anymore
Does the world not need saving anymore
There is pain in his eyes
His soul is restless
His wings are quivering
It won’t be much longer before God whispers
My beloved, faithful child
It’s time to fly again