Dinosaurs · Humor · Writing

If I Could Bring Back One Dinosaur, Which One Would it Be?

Daily writing prompt
If you could bring back one dinosaur, which one would it be?

If I could bring back one dinosaur, which one would it be?

The Long neck. It’s friendly and has a sweet little face. It kind of reminds me of a giraffe with its long, graceful neck. I’d like to climb up on one, but I’m afraid of heights. Besides, it would probably take off like that bareback horse I climbed on eons ago and, left me flying through the air and landing on my butt. It was my friend’s fault. She dared me. But that was only a few feet, compared to a trillion-foot-high Long Neck. I don’t even want to think about that flight to the ground!

But, as much as I’d like to bring back the Long Neck dinosaur, I think I’ll just leave it at Jurassic Park. It’ll get bored at my house, and my dogs would get jealous. I don’t think the neighbors would like it too much, anyway, especially when all their trees would get stripped bare. When it comes right down to it, I’m glad all the dinosaurs are gone. Can you imagine coming face-to-face with a T Rex?